exojax.dynamics package
exojax.dynamics.getE module
Eccentric anomaly from Mean anomaly.
JAX autograd/jit compatible version of Markley (Markley 1995, CeMDA, 63, 101) E solver getE(). The original code is taken from PyAstronomy (MIT license).https://github.com/sczesla/PyAstronomy.
- exojax.dynamics.getE.getE(M, e)
JAX autograd compatible version of the Solver of Kepler’s Equation for the “eccentric anomaly”, E.
- Parameters:
M – Mean anomaly
e – Eccentricity
- Returns:
Eccentric anomaly
exojax.dynamics.rvfunc module
Functions for radial velocity curves, JAX autograd/jit compatible.
This code is for the PRV analysis of transmission/dayside close-in planets. Under developement.
- exojax.dynamics.rvfunc.rv_semi_amplitude(P, e, M1, M2)
- exojax.dynamics.rvfunc.rvcoref(t, T0, P, e, omegaA, K, i)
Unit-free radial velocity curve w/o systemic velocity, in addition, i and K are separated.
- Parameters:
t – Time in your time unit
T0 – Time of periastron passage in your time unit
P – orbital period in your time unit
e – eccentricity
omegaA – argument of periastron
K – RV semi-amplitude/sin i in your velocity unit
i – inclination
- Returns:
radial velocity curve in your velocity unit
- exojax.dynamics.rvfunc.rvf(t, T0, P, e, omegaA, Ksini, Vsys)
Unit-free radial velocity curve for SB1.
- Parameters:
t – Time in your time unit
T0 – Time of periastron passage in your time unit
P – orbital period in your time unit
e – eccentricity
omegaA – argument of periastron
Ksini – RV semi-amplitude in your velocity unit
Vsys – systemic velocity in your velocity unit
- Returns:
radial velocity curve in your velocity unit
- exojax.dynamics.rvfunc.rvf1(t, T0, P, e, omegaA, K, i, Vsys)
- exojax.dynamics.rvfunc.rvf2(t, T0, P, e, omegaA, M1, M2, i, Vsys)
- exojax.dynamics.rvfunc.rvf2c(t, T0, P, e, omegaA, M1, M2, i, Vsys)