Mie Scattering

Last update: April 12th (2024) Hajime Kawahara

Currently, ExoJAX relies entirely on PyMieScatt (https://github.com/bsumlin/PyMieScatt) for Mie Scattering. The opa for Mie Scattering is OpaMie. There are two methods for calculations: directly calling PyMieScatt and using pre-calculated grid models (Miegrid). However, as of version 1.5, the method using Miegrid is not yet fully developed.

Direct calculation

The direct calculation method is conducted as follows. Please note that the initialization of OpaMie requires a particulate database (pdb).

Particulates Database (pdb)

from exojax.spec.opacont import OpaMie
opa = OpaMie(pdb_nh3, nus)
sigma_extinction, sigma_scattering, asymmetric_factor = opa.mieparams_vector_direct_from_pymiescatt(rg, sigmag)
#sigma_extinction, sigma_scattering, asymmetric_factor = opa.mieparams_vector(rg,sigmag) # if using MieGrid

For specific examples, please refer to Modeling a High Resolution Reflection Spectrum for example.

Generates custom Miegrid (mgd), under development

See mie.py, but a sample code is like the following

from exojax.spec.mie import compute_mie_coeff_lognormal_grid
from exojax.spec.pardb import PdbCloud

pdb = PdbCloud("NH3")
filename = "miegrid_lognorm_"+pdb.condensate+".mgd"

Nsigmag = 10
sigmag_arr = np.logspace(-1,1,Nsigmag)
Nrg = 40
rg_arr = np.logspace(-7,-3,Nsigmag) #cm

miegrid = compute_mie_coeff_lognormal_grid(
np.savez(filename, miegrid)