Why ExoJAX Prefers On-Demand Opacity Calculation?
Last Update: January 23rd (2025) Hajime Kawahara
One of ExoJAX’s key features is its ability to compute molecular cross-sections on demand by reading the latest molecular databases, rather than relying on pre-generated table data. Here, we explain the rationale behind this strategy.
The following outlines the standard procedure for calculating cross-sections in ExoJAX. First, define the wavenumber range (utils.grid.wavenumber_grid), then load the molecular database (Molecular and Atomic Databases). Next, create an instance specifying the method for computing opacity (Opacity Calculator Class). There are several options for opacity calculation methods, depending on factors such as the number of lines. Finally, by providing temperature and pressure, the cross-section can be calculated.
Currently, molecular databases such as ExoMol and HITRAN/HITEMP are continuously being improved. ExoJAX’s ability to compute cross-sections directly from the molecular database level offers the advantage of always utilizing the latest versions of these databases.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from exojax.utils.grids import wavenumber_grid
from exojax.spec.api import MdbExomol
from exojax.spec.opacalc import OpaDirect
nu_grid, wav, res = wavenumber_grid(22930, 22960, 2000, xsmode="lpf", unit="AA")
mdb = MdbExomol('.database/CO/12C-16O/Li2015', nurange=nu_grid)
opa = OpaDirect(mdb, nu_grid)
t0 = 900.0 #K
t1 = 1200.0 #K
p0 = 1.e0 #bar
xs_t0 = opa.xsvector(t0,p0)
xs_t1 = opa.xsvector(t1,p0)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,3))
plt.xlabel("wavenumber (cm-1)")
plt.ylabel("cross section (cm2)")
xsmode = lpf xsmode assumes ESLOG in wavenumber space: xsmode=lpf ====================================================================== The wavenumber grid should be in ascending order. The users can specify the order of the wavelength grid by themselves. Your wavelength grid is in * descending * order ====================================================================== HITRAN exact name= (12C)(16O) radis engine = vaex
/home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/unitconvert.py:63: UserWarning: Both input wavelength and output wavenumber are in ascending order.
/home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/molname.py:197: FutureWarning: e2s will be replaced to exact_molname_exomol_to_simple_molname.
/home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/molname.py:91: FutureWarning: exojax.utils.molname.exact_molname_exomol_to_simple_molname will be replaced to radis.api.exomolapi.exact_molname_exomol_to_simple_molname.
/home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/molname.py:91: FutureWarning: exojax.utils.molname.exact_molname_exomol_to_simple_molname will be replaced to radis.api.exomolapi.exact_molname_exomol_to_simple_molname.
Molecule: CO
Isotopologue: 12C-16O
Background atmosphere: H2
ExoMol database: None
Local folder: .database/CO/12C-16O/Li2015
Transition files:
=> File 12C-16O__Li2015.trans
Broadening code level: a0
/home/kawahara/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/radis-0.15.2-py3.10.egg/radis/api/exomolapi.py:685: AccuracyWarning: The default broadening parameter (alpha = 0.07 cm^-1 and n = 0.5) are used for J'' > 80 up to J'' = 152

In this way, ExoJAX directly computes opacity from molecular databases, allowing users to trace spectral features back to specific lines and analyze how they depend on temperature and pressure.
Here, let’s take a single example to examine the properties of a spectral line. In this wavenumber region of carbon monoxide, the spectrum shows some structure. What kind of lines are responsible for these features? By increasing the temperature to 3000 K, additional lines become visible. Plotting the rotational quantum numbers (\(J\)) reveals that these lines exhibit gradual changes in \(J\). The difference in rotational quantum numbers between transitions is \(\Delta J=+1\), indicating that these lines are part of the R-branch. For further details, refer to R-branch and P-branch of CO.
When plotting the line strengths at different temperatures, it becomes evident that as the temperature increases, the strength of lines with higher rotational quantum numbers also increases, making these lines more prominent. Additionally, the lower energy levels of high-\(J\) lines indeed have significantly larger values, confirming that these lines are only visible at higher temperatures.
By tracing back to the molecular database, we can gain a deeper understanding of the spectrum in this manner.
import numpy as np
Thot = 3000.0 #K
xs_thot = opa.xsvector(Thot,p0)
mask = np.isfinite(mdb.line_strength(Thot)) #mask for finite values
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,7.5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(511)
ax.set_ylabel("cross section (cm2)")
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(512)
ax3.plot(mdb.nu_lines[mask], mdb.jlower[mask], ".", label="Jlower")
ax4 = fig.add_subplot(513)
ax4.plot(mdb.nu_lines[mask], mdb.jupper[mask] - mdb.jlower[mask], ".", label="$\Delta$J")
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(514)
ax2.plot(mdb.nu_lines, mdb.line_strength(t1), "+", label=str(t1)+"K")
ax2.plot(mdb.nu_lines, mdb.line_strength(Thot), ".", label=str(Thot)+"K")
ax2.set_ylabel("line strength (cm)")
ax5 = fig.add_subplot(515)
ax5.plot(mdb.nu_lines[mask], mdb.elower[mask], ".", label="elower")
ax5.set_xlabel("wavenumber (cm-1)")

In addition to the benefits of allowing users to always utilize the latest molecular databases and track the assumptions and methods used to compute cross-sections, on-demand computation also eliminates interpolation errors inherent in table-based data. Next, let’s examine this error with a simple example.
Errors Associated with Interpolating Table Data
When calculating opacity using precomputed table data, it is necessary
to interpolate cross-sections from neighboring temperature grid points
to obtain the cross-section at the desired temperature and pressure.
Here, we fix the pressure at 1 bar and compare the interpolated
cross-section at an intermediate temperature tc
, derived from the
cross-sections at 900 K and 1200 K, with the cross-section directly
calculated at tc
. For the direct calculation at the intermediate
temperature, we will compare two approaches: the arithmetic mean and the
logarithmic mean.For interpolating the cross-sections, let’s consider
two approaches: the arithmetic mean and the logarithmic mean.
import numpy as np
t0 = 900.0
t1 = 1200.0
tc = (t1 + t0) / 2.0 # linear interpolation
tc_log = 10 ** ((np.log10(t1) + np.log10(t0)) / 2.0) # log interpolation
xs00 = opa.xsvector(t0, p0)
xs10 = opa.xsvector(t1, p0)
# grid interpolation (mean and log mean)
averaged_xs = (xs00 + xs10) / 2.0
averaged_xs_log = 10**((np.log10(xs00) + np.log10(xs10)) / 2.0)
#direct calculation
xs = opa.xsvector(tc, p0)
xs_log = opa.xsvector(tc_log, p0)
diff = np.mean(averaged_xs)/np.mean(xs) - 1.0
diff_log_lin = np.mean(averaged_xs_log)/np.mean(xs) - 1.0
diff_lin_log = np.mean(averaged_xs)/np.mean(xs_log) - 1.0
diff_log_log = np.mean(averaged_xs_log)/np.mean(xs_log) - 1.0
xmin = 0
xmax = 0.03
f, (ax, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1, gridspec_kw={"height_ratios": [2, 1, 1]}, figsize=(10, 8))
ax.plot(nu_grid, averaged_xs, label="grid interpolation", lw=1, color="red")
ax.plot(nu_grid, averaged_xs_log, label="log grid interpolation", lw=1, color="black")
ax.plot(nu_grid, xs, label="mean T", ls="solid", lw=1)
ax.plot(nu_grid, xs_log, label="log mean T", ls="dashed", lw=1)
ax2.plot(nu_grid, averaged_xs / xs - 1.0, label="difference between grid interpolation and mean T", ls="solid")
ax2.plot(nu_grid, averaged_xs / xs_log - 1.0, label="difference between grid interpolation and log mean T", ls="dashed")
ax2.text(nu_grid[0] - 0.25, 0.15, "ave", color="gray")
ax2.axhline(diff, color="gray", ls = "solid", xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
ax2.axhline(diff_lin_log, color="gray", ls = "dashed", xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
ax3.plot(nu_grid, averaged_xs_log / xs - 1.0, label="difference between log grid interpolation and mean T", ls="solid")
ax3.plot(nu_grid, averaged_xs_log / xs_log - 1.0, label="difference between log grid interpolation and log mean T", ls="dashed")
ax3.text(nu_grid[0] - 0.25, -0.15, "ave", color="gray")
ax3.axhline(diff_log_lin, color="gray", ls = "solid", xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
ax3.axhline(diff_log_log, color="gray", ls = "dashed", xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
ax2.set_ylim(-0.35, 0.35)
ax2.axhline(0.0, color="k")
ax3.set_ylim(-0.35, 0.35)
ax3.axhline(0.0, color="k")
ax.set_ylabel("cross section [cm2]")
ax3.set_xlabel("wavenumber [cm-1]")
ax2.set_ylabel("relative error")
ax3.set_ylabel("relative error")

With a temperature grid of 300 K intervals, the arithmetic mean introduces an error of about 20–30%, while the logarithmic mean reduces the error to about 5–10%. If table data is used, it would be better to perform interpolation in this case using logarithmic values for both temperature and cross-sections. A noteworthy point is that, whether using the arithmetic mean or the logarithmic mean, the relative error is consistently either positive or negative across all wavenumbers. This suggests that the error originates from the line strength and indicates that it could serve as a source of systematic error, even in cases with low spectral resolution.
Next, let’s consider the case of fixing the temperature at 900 K and interpolating the pressure. Since pressure has a high dynamic range, it is necessary to use a logarithmic grid. Here, we will interpolate using 1 bar and 10 bar as the grid points.
t0 = 900.0
p0 = 1.e0
p1 = 1.e1
pc_log = 10 ** ((np.log10(p1) + np.log10(p0)) / 2.0) # log interpolation
xs00 = opa.xsvector(t0, p0)
xs01 = opa.xsvector(t0, p1)
# grid interpolation (mean and log mean)
averaged_xs = (xs00 + xs01) / 2.0
averaged_xs_log = 10**((np.log10(xs00) + np.log10(xs01)) / 2.0)
diff = np.mean(averaged_xs)/np.mean(xs) - 1.0
diff_log = np.mean(averaged_xs_log)/np.mean(xs) - 1.0
#direct calculation
xs = opa.xsvector(t0, pc_log)
f, (ax, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1, gridspec_kw={"height_ratios": [2, 1, 1]}, figsize=(10, 7))
ax.plot(nu_grid, averaged_xs, label="grid interpolation", lw=2, color="C0", ls="dashed")
ax.plot(nu_grid, averaged_xs_log, label="log grid interpolation", lw=2, color="C1", ls="dotted")
ax.plot(nu_grid, xs, label="log mean P", ls="solid", lw=2, color="C2")
ax2.plot(nu_grid, averaged_xs / xs - 1.0, label="difference between grid interpolation and log mean P", ls="solid", color="C0")
ax2.text(nu_grid[0] - 0.25, -0.16, "ave", color="C0")
ax2.axhline(diff, color="C0", ls = "solid", xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
ax3.plot(nu_grid, averaged_xs_log / xs - 1.0, label="difference between log grid interpolation and log mean P", ls="solid", color="C1")
ax3.text(nu_grid[0] - 0.25, -0.3, "ave", color="C1")
ax3.axhline(diff_log, color="C1", ls = "solid", xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
ax2.set_ylim(-0.8, 0.8)
ax2.axhline(0.0, color="k")
ax3.set_ylim(-0.8, 0.8)
ax3.axhline(0.0, color="k")
ax.set_ylabel("cross section [cm2]")
ax3.set_xlabel("wavenumber [cm-1]")
ax2.set_ylabel("relative error")
ax3.set_ylabel("relative error")

For pressure interpolation, the tail of the line profile is affected, resulting in an error profile different from that of temperature interpolation. Since line strength remains unchanged during pressure interpolation, the impact may be relatively minor in cases without high-resolution spectroscopy (middle panel). However, this advantage is lost when cross-section interpolation is performed in logarithmic space due to nonlinear effects (bottom panel).
As shown, using precomputed table data can introduce non-negligible errors in cross-section calculations, especially for high-resolution spectra. While narrowing the grid intervals can mitigate this issue, it leads to increased memory usage. To address this problem, ExoJAX aims to compute cross-sections on demand for the given temperature and pressure. Additionally, for cases where lower precision is acceptable, table data can still be generated and utilized as needed.