November 4th (2022) Hajime Kawahara

In ExoJAX 2, the standard molecular database IO for ExoMol, HITEMP, and HITRAN was shared with the radis team.


How to load ExoMol CO database

>>> MdbExomol(".database/CO/12C-16O/Li2015", nurange=[4200.0, 4300.0])


How to load HITEMP CO database

>>> MdbHitemp(".database/CO/", nurange=[4200.0, 4300.0])
>>> MdbHitemp(".database/05/", nurange=[4200.0, 4300.0])
>>> MdbHitemp(".database/CO/05_HITEMP2019/", nurange=[4200.0, 4300.0])

The style used in ExoJAX 1 is also acceptable (not recommended):

>>> MdbHitemp(".database/CO/05_HITEMP2019/05_HITEMP2019.par.bz2", nurange=[4200.0, 4300.0])

If you have the error like,

Please fix/delete the radis.json entry, change the `databank_name`, or change the default local databases path entry 'DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_PATH' in `radis.config` or ~/radis.json

remove radis.json and retry it.


HITEMP includes all of the isotopes. To know which isotopes are included in mdb, use uniqiso instance.

>>> mdb = MdbHitemp(".database/CO/", nurange=[4200.0, 4210.0], crit=1.e-30)
>>> mdb.uniqiso #-> [1,2,3,4,6]

You can know what isotope name “isotope=1” corresponds to

>>> mdb.exact_isotope_name(1) #-> (12C)(16O)

Loading HITEMP for Each Isotope

Sometimes it’s useful to take it out for each isotope. To load C12 O16 (isotope = 1), use the isotope option. “isotope” is the isotope number used in HITRAN/HITEMP, which starts from 1.

>>> mdb = MdbHitemp(".database/CO/", nurange=[4200.0, 4300.0], isotope = 1)

Parition Function (Ratio) for Each Isotope

In MdbHitemp, QT_interp and qr_interp has an isotope option.

>>> T = 1000 #K
>>> isotope = 1
>>> QT = mdb.QT_interp(isotope, T) # partition function Q(T) for isotope=1
>>> q_ratio = mdb.qr_interp(isotope, T) # partition function ratio Q(T)/Q(Tref)


How to load HITRAN CO database

>>> Mdbhitran(".database/CO/", nurange=[4200.0, 4300.0])
>>> Mdbhitran(".database/05/", nurange=[4200.0, 4300.0])

The style used in ExoJAX 1 is also acceptable (not recommended):

>>> Mdbhitran(".database/CO/05_hit12.par", nurange=[4200.0, 4300.0])

Using DataFrames

ExoJAX mdb class inherits DataFrame of the common API when calling “inherit_dataframe=True”, in “df” instance as. This DataFrame is not masked by “nurange” and/or “crit” options and has the format of Vaex lazy I/O.

>>> mdb = MdbExomol(".database/CO/12C-16O/Li2015", nurange=[4200.0, 4300.0], inherit_dataframe=True)
>>> mdb.df
#        i_upper    i_lower    A          nu_lines      gup    jlower    jupper    elower      Sij0
0        84         42         1.155e-06  2.405586      3      0         1         66960.7124  3.811968898414225e-164
1        83         41         1.161e-06  2.441775      3      0         1         65819.903   9.663028103692631e-162
2        82         40         1.162e-06  2.477774      3      0         1         64654.9206  2.7438392479197905e-159
3        81         39         1.159e-06  2.513606      3      0         1         63465.8042  8.73322833971394e-157
4        80         38         1.152e-06  2.549292      3      0         1         62252.5793  3.115220404216648e-154
...      ...        ...        ...        ...           ...    ...       ...       ...         ...
125,491  306        253        7.164e-10  22147.135424  15     6         7         80.7354     1.8282485593637477e-31
125,492  474        421        9.852e-10  22147.86595   23     10        11        211.4041    2.0425455665383687e-31
125,493  348        295        7.72e-10   22147.897299  17     7         8         107.6424    1.9589545250222689e-31
125,494  432        379        9.056e-10  22148.262711  21     9         10        172.978     2.0662209116961706e-31
125,495  390        337        8.348e-10  22148.273111  19     8         9         138.3903    2.0387827253771594e-31

For instance, if you want to call “i_upper”, use “values” like:

>>> i_upper = mdb.df.i_upper.values
>>> i_upper
array([ 84,  83,  82, ..., 348, 432, 390])

Notice the above array is not masked. So, the length is different from for instance “mdb.nu_lines”.

>>> len(i_upper)
>>> len(mdb.nu_lines)