exojax.atm package¶
exojax.atm.amclouds module¶
Ackerman and Marley 2001 cloud model.
Ackerman and Marley (2001) ApJ 556, 872, hereafter AM01
- exojax.atm.amclouds.VMRcloud(P, Pbase, fsed, VMRbase, kc=1)¶
VMR of clouds based on AM01.
- Parameters
P – Pressure (bar)
Pbase – base pressure (bar)
fsed – fsed
VMRbase – VMR of condensate at cloud base
kc – constant ratio of condenstates to total mixing ratio
- Returns
VMR of condensates
- exojax.atm.amclouds.dtau_cloudgeo(Parr, muc, rhoc, mu, VMRc, rg, sigmag, g)¶
the optical depth using a geometric cross-section approximation, based on (16) in AM01.
- Parameters
Parr – pressure array (bar)
muc – mass weight of condensate
rhoc – condensate density (g/cm3)
mu – mean molecular weight of atmosphere
VMRc – VMR array of condensate [Nlayer]
rg – rg parameter in the lognormal distribution of condensate size, defined by (9) in AM01
sigmag – sigmag parameter in the lognormal distribution of condensate size, defined by (9) in AM01
- exojax.atm.amclouds.find_rw(rarr, vf, KzzpL)¶
finding rw from rarr and terminal velocity array.
- Parameters
rarr – particle radius array (cm)
vf – terminal velocity (cm/s)
KzzpL – Kzz/L in Ackerman and Marley 2001
- Returns
rw in Ackerman and Marley 2001
- exojax.atm.amclouds.get_Pbase(Parr, Psat, VMR)¶
get Pbase from an intersection of a T-P profile and Psat(T) curves :param Parr: pressure array :param Psat: saturation pressure arrau :param VMR: VMR for vapor
- Returns
base pressure
- Return type
- exojax.atm.amclouds.get_rg(rw, fsed, alpha, sigmag)¶
compute rg of the lognormal size distribution defined by (9) in AM01. The computation is based on (13) in AM01.
- Parameters
rw – rw (cm)
fsed – fsed
alpha – power of the condensate size distribution
sigmag – sigmag in the lognormal size distribution
- exojax.atm.amclouds.get_rw(vfs, Kzz, L, rarr)¶
compute rw in AM01 implicitly defined by (11)
- Parameters
vfs – terminal velocity (cm/s)
Kzz – diffusion coefficient (cm2/s)
L – typical convection scale (cm)
rarr – condensate scale array
- Returns
rw (cm) in AM01. i.e. condensate size that balances an upward transport and sedimentation
- Return type
exojax.atm.atmprof module¶
Atmospheric profile function.
- exojax.atm.atmprof.Hatm(g, T, mu)¶
pressure scale height assuming an isothermal atmosphere.
- Parameters
g – gravity acceleration (cm/s2)
T – isothermal temperature (K)
mu – mean molecular weight
- Returns
pressure scale height (cm)
- exojax.atm.atmprof.Teff2Tirr(Teff, Tint)¶
Tirr from effective temperature and intrinsic temperature.
- Parameters
Teff – effective temperature
Tint – intrinsic temperature
- Returns
iradiation temperature
- Return type
Here we assume A=0 (albedo) and beta=1 (fully-energy distributed)
- exojax.atm.atmprof.Teq2Tirr(Teq, Tint)¶
Tirr from equilibrium temperature and intrinsic temperature.
- Parameters
Teq – equilibrium temperature
Tint – intrinsic temperature
- Returns
iradiation temperature
- Return type
Here we assume A=0 (albedo) and beta=1 (fully-energy distributed)
- exojax.atm.atmprof.atmprof_Guillot(Parr, g, kappa, gamma, Tint, Tirr, f=0.25)¶
Guillot (2010) Equation (29)
- Parameters
Parr – pressure array (bar)
g – gravity (cm/s2)
kappa – thermal/IR opacity (kappa_th in Guillot 2010)
gamma – ratio of optical and IR opacity (kappa_v/kappa_th), gamma > 1 means thermal inversion
Tint – temperature equivalence of the intrinsic energy flow
Tirr – temperature equivalence of the irradiation
= 1 at the substellar point (f) – and f = 1/4 for an averaging over the whole planetary surface
= 1/2 for a day-side average (f) – and f = 1/4 for an averaging over the whole planetary surface
- Returns
- exojax.atm.atmprof.atmprof_gray(Parr, g, kappa, Tint)¶
- Parameters
Parr – pressure array (bar)
g – gravity (cm/s2)
kappa – infrared opacity
Tint – temperature equivalence of the intrinsic energy flow
exojax.atm.idealgas module¶
Functions about ideal gas.
- exojax.atm.idealgas.number_density(Parr, Tarr)¶
number density of ideal gas in cgs.
- Parameters
Parr – pressure array (bar)
Tarr – temperature array (K)
- Returns
number density (1/cm3)
exojax.atm.psat module¶
Saturation Vapor Pressure.
- exojax.atm.psat.Psat_Fe_liquid(T)¶
Saturation Vapor Pressure for liquid Fe (Fe)
Taken from Ackerman and Marley 2001 Appendix A (A4) see also their errata.
- Parameters
T – temperature (K)
- Returns
saturation vapor pressure (bar)
- exojax.atm.psat.Psat_Fe_solid(T)¶
Saturation Vapor Pressure for Solid Fe (Fe)
Taken from Ackerman and Marley 2001 Appendix A (A4) see also their errata.
- Parameters
T – temperature (K)
- Returns
saturation vapor pressure (bar)
- exojax.atm.psat.Psat_enstatite_AM01(T)¶
Saturation Vapor Pressure for Enstatite (MgSiO3)
Taken from Ackerman and Marley 2001 Appendix A (A4) see also their errata.
- Parameters
T – temperature (K)
- Returns
saturation vapor pressure (bar)
exojax.atm.simple_clouds module¶
cloud opacity.
- exojax.atm.simple_clouds.powerlaw_clouds(nus, kappac0=0.01, nuc0=28571.0, alphac=1.0)¶
power-law cloud model.
- Parameters
kappac0 – opacity (cm2/g) at nuc0
nuc0 – wavenumber for kappac0
alphac – power
- Returns
cross section (cm2)
alphac = - gamma of the definition in petitRadtrans. Also, default nuc0 corresponds to lambda0=0.35 um.
exojax.atm.viscosity module¶
Viscosity of droplets.
- exojax.atm.viscosity.calc_vfactor(atm='H2', LJPparam=None)¶
- Parameters
atm – molecule consisting of atmosphere, “H2”, “O2”, and “N2”
LJPparam – Custom Lennard-Jones Potential Parameters (d (cm) and epsilon/kB)
- Returns
dynamic viscosity factor for Rosner eta = viscosity*T**0.66 applicable tempature range (K,K)
- Return type
The dynamic viscosity is from the Rosner book (3-2-12) and caption in p106 Hirschfelder et al. (1954) within Trange.
- exojax.atm.viscosity.eta_Rosner(T, vfactor)¶
dynamic viscocity by Rosner (2000)
- Parameters
T – temperature (K)
vfactor – vfactor
- Returns
dynamic viscosity (g/s/cm)
- exojax.atm.viscosity.eta_Rosner_H2(T)¶
dynamic viscocity of the H2 atmosphere by Rosner (2000)
- Parameters
T – temperature (K) (applicable from 179 to 11940K)
- Returns
dynamic viscosity (g/s/cm)
- exojax.atm.viscosity.get_LJPparam()¶
Lennard-Jones Potential Parameters.
- Returns
Dict for Lennard-Jones Potential Parameters (d (cm)) LJPparam_epsilon_per_kB: Dict for Lennard-Jones Potential Parameters (epsilon/kB)
- Return type
Lennard-Jones Potential Parameters (LJPparam) were taken from p107, Table 3.2.1 of Transport process in chemically reacting flow systems by Daniel E. Rosner, originally from Svehla (1962).
exojax.atm.vterm module¶
Terminal velocity of cloud particles.
The code in this module is based on Hans R Pruppacher and James D Klett. Microstructure of atmospheric clouds and precipitation and Akerman and Marley 2001.
- exojax.atm.vterm.Ndavies(r, g, eta, drho, rho)¶
Davies (Best) number.
- Parameters
r – particle size (cm)
g – gravity (cm/s2)
eta – dynamic viscosity (g/s/cm)
drho – density difference between condensates and atmosphere (g/cm3)
rho – atmosphere density (g/cm3)
- Returns
Davies number (Best Number)
- exojax.atm.vterm.vf(r, g, eta, rhoc, rho, Nkn=0.0)¶
terminal velocity.
- Parameters
r – particle size (cm)
g – gravity (cm/s2)
eta – dynamic viscosity (g/s/cm)
rhoc – condensate density (g/cm3)
rho – atmosphere density (g/cm3)
Nkn – Knudsen number
- Returns
terminal velocity (cm/s)
>>> #terminal velocity at T=300K, for Earth atmosphere/gravity. >>> g=980. >>> drho=1.0 >>> rho=1.29*1.e-3 #g/cm3 >>> vfactor,Tr=vc.calc_vfactor(atm="Air") >>> eta=vc.eta_Rosner(300.0,vfactor) >>> r=jnp.logspace(-5,0,70) >>> vf(r,g,eta,drho,rho) #terminal velocity (cm/s)
- exojax.atm.vterm.vf_largeNre(r, g, eta, drho, rho)¶
terminal velocity ( Reynolds number > 500, Davies number >10**5 )
- Parameters
r – particle size (cm)
g – gravity (cm/s2)
eta – dynamic viscosity (g/s/cm)
drho – density difference between condensates and atmosphere (g/cm3)
rho – atmosphere density (g/cm3)
- Returns
terminal velocity (cm/s)
- exojax.atm.vterm.vf_midNre(r, g, eta, drho, rho)¶
terminal velocity (2 < Reynolds number < 500, 42 < Davies number < 10**5)
- Parameters
r – particle size (cm)
g – gravity (cm/s2)
eta – dynamic viscosity (g/s/cm)
drho – density difference between condensates and atmosphere (g/cm3)
rho – atmosphere density (g/cm3)
- Returns
terminal velocity (cm/s)
- exojax.atm.vterm.vf_stokes(r, g, eta, drho, Nkn=0.0)¶
terminal velocity of Stokes flow (Reynolds number < 2, Davies number < 42)
- Parameters
r – particle size (cm)
g – gravity (cm/s2)
eta – dynamic viscosity (g/s/cm)
drho – density difference between condensates and atmosphere (g/cm3)
Nkn – Knudsen number
- Returns
terminal velocity (cm/s)
(1.0+1.255*Nkn) is the Cunningham factor
See also (10-138) p415 in Hans R Pruppacher and James D Klett. Microstructure of atmospheric clouds and precipitation. In Microphysics of clouds and precipitation, pages 10–73. Springer, 2010. Equation (B1) in Appendix B of Ackerman and Marley 2001.