Computes Transmission Spectra (beta release)

We compute a high-resolution transmission spectrum using HITRAN CO and compare it with the results by the different method (by Yui Kawashima). Note that ArtTransPure is art for the transmission spectrum.

from jax import config
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from exojax.utils.grids import wavenumber_grid
from exojax.spec.opacalc import OpaModit
from exojax.spec.atmrt import ArtTransPure
from exojax.utils.constants import RJ, Rs
from exojax.spec.api import MdbHitran
from exojax.utils.astrofunc import gravity_jupiter

config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)
/home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/ FutureWarning: dtau_mmwl might be removed in future.
  warnings.warn("dtau_mmwl might be removed in future.", FutureWarning)

To load a reference spectrum, we make the following method.

def read_kawashima_data(filename):
    dat = pd.read_csv(filename, delimiter="   ")
    wav = dat["Wavelength[um]"]
    mask = (wav > 2.25) & (wav < 2.6)
    return wav[mask], dat["Rp/Rs"][mask]

The ref file should be in ExoJAX repo.

filename = "/home/kawahara/exojax/tests/integration/comparison/transmission/spectrum/CO100percent_500K.dat"

Here is the core code. We define art using ArtTransPure. art.constant_mmr_profile sets the mass mixing ratio layer profile to a constant value. Here we assume 100% CO everywhere. For a transmission spectrum, the constant gravity assumption is not good approximation. So, we need to compute the gravity profile. art.gravity_profile does it. After computing opacity, we can use to generate the transmission spectrum.

def compare_with_kawashima_code():
    mu_fid = 28.00863 #mean molecular weight
    T_fid = 500.

    Nx = 300000
    nu_grid, wav, res = wavenumber_grid(22900.0,

    art = ArtTransPure(pressure_top=1.e-15, pressure_btm=1.e1, nlayer=100)
    art.change_temperature_range(490.0, 510.0)
    Tarr = T_fid * np.ones_like(art.pressure)
    mmr_arr = art.constant_mmr_profile(1.0)
    gravity_btm = gravity_jupiter(1.0, 1.0)
    radius_btm = RJ

    mdb = MdbHitran('CO', nu_grid, gpu_transfer=True)
    mmw = mu_fid * np.ones_like(art.pressure)
    gravity = art.gravity_profile(Tarr, mmw, radius_btm, gravity_btm)

    #HITRAN CO has not so many lines. So we use MODIT here instead of PreMODIT
    opa = OpaModit(mdb=mdb, nu_grid=nu_grid, Tarr_list=Tarr, Parr=art.pressure)
    xsmatrix = opa.xsmatrix(Tarr, art.pressure)
    dtau = art.opacity_profile_xs(xsmatrix, mmr_arr, opa.mdb.molmass,

    Rp2 =, Tarr, mmw, radius_btm, gravity_btm)
    return nu_grid, np.sqrt(Rp2) * radius_btm / Rs

Compares the results. Not so bad. Note that the Kawashima-san’s reference includes the Rayleigh scattering, but we do not. That makes this small difference.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

wav, rprs = read_kawashima_data(filename)
diffmode = 1
nus_hitran, Rp_hitran = compare_with_kawashima_code()
from exojax.spec.unitconvert import nu2wav
wav_exojax = nu2wav(nus_hitran, unit="um", wavelength_order="ascending")
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(wav, rprs * Rs / RJ, label="Kawashima")
ax.plot(wav_exojax[::-1], Rp_hitran * Rs / RJ, label="ExoJAX")

plt.xlabel("wavenumber cm-1")
#plt.ylim(-0.07, 0.07)
plt.ylabel("Rp (RJ)")

/tmp/ipykernel_32698/ ParserWarning: Falling back to the 'python' engine because the 'c' engine does not support regex separators (separators > 1 char and different from 's+' are interpreted as regex); you can avoid this warning by specifying engine='python'.
  dat = pd.read_csv(filename, delimiter="   ")
xsmode =  modit
xsmode assumes ESLOG in wavenumber space: mode=modit
We changed the policy of the order of wavenumber/wavelength grids
wavenumber grid should be in ascending order and now
users can specify the order of the wavelength grid by themselves.
Your wavelength grid is in *  descending  * order
This might causes the bug if you update ExoJAX.
Note that the older ExoJAX assumes ascending order as wavelength grid.
/home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/ UserWarning: nu_grid is not given. specify nu_grid when using 'run'
integration:  simpson
Simpson integration, uses the chord optical depth at the lower boundary and midppoint of the layers.
pressure decrease rate k= 0.6892612104349697
pressure decrease rate k= 0.6892612104349697