Test codes for developers

ExoJAX has many test codes in the tests directory. The test directory contains several types of the collection of pytest code.

  • tests/unittests: the collection of the unit tests. The GitHub action runs the test code in this directory.

  • tests/integration: the collection of the test codes that need longer time to run than the code in unittest.


We recommend to write the unit test code in tests/unittests directory before pull-request and to perform the unit tests before your submission of the pull-request:

cd exojax/test/unittests


In essence, these are the unit tests that need longer time than the code in unittest, sometimes including downloading the data.


The code for the comparison with external data, packages, etc

  • transmission/comparison_with_kawashima_transmission.py: comparison with Yui Kawashima’s computation of the transmission spectrum

  • twostream/comparison_petitRADTRANS_*.py: comparison with pRT

  • nonair/nonair_co_hitran_comp.py: non-air broadening comparison with radis


VALD data

You can download them from here, but see the following warning.


Note that if you use Windows or Mac, .gz might be unziped when downloading despite no renaming. I mean, the same name with .gz, but unziped! In this case, download extradata.tar and untar it.