Installation and References ---------------------------------- *last update: June 11st (2023) Hajime Kawahara* Linux, Windows WSL, Mac ============================ At the very least, you can start using exojax through `pypi `_. .. code:: sh pip install exojax Alternatively, clone the code from `github page `_ and run .. code:: sh python install However, to take advantage of the power of JAX, you need to prepare a GPU environment (if you have). For this, jaxlib need to be linked. You should check the cuda version of your environment as .. code:: sh nvcc -V Here is an example of installation for jaxlib in linux system. See `JAX installation page `_ for the details. .. code:: sh pip install --upgrade pip pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda11_pip]" -f Windows Anaconda =================== not supported yet. References ================= |:green_circle:| **ExoJAX Paper I**: Kawahara, Kawashima, Masuda, Crossfield, Pannier, van den Bekerom (2021) accepted by ApJS: `arXiv:2105.14782 `_ Many techniques/databases are used in ExoJAX. - JAX: Bradbury, J., Frostig, R., Hawkins, P., et al. 2018, JAX: composable transformations of Python+NumPy programs, `JAX `_ - NumPyro: Phan, D., Pradhan, N., & Jankowiak, M. 2019, `arXiv:1912.11554 `_ - JAXopt: Blondel, M., Berthet, Q., Cuturi, M. et al. 2021 `arXiv:2105.15183 `_ - Vaex: Breddels and Veljanoski (2018) `arXiv: `_ - Algorithm 916: Zaghloul and Ali (2012) `arXiv:1106.0151 `_ - DIT: `van den Bekerom and Pannier (2021) `_ - ExoMol: `Tennyson et al. (2016) `_ - HITRAN/HITEMP - VALD3 - RADIS, see below. - Other many packages/algorithms. See `arXiv:2105.14782 `_ for the details. Related Projects ===================== - `RADIS `_ | ExoJAX draws a lot of inspiration from a fast line-by-line code for high-resolution infrared molecular spectra `RADIS `_, including DIT, the use of Vaex, and so on. | Since version 1.2 we have been using a common molecular database I/O API in Radis. - `REACH `_ | ExoJAX was originally developed to interpret data from a new high-dispersion coronagraphic capability at the Subaru telescope, the `REACH `_ project (SCExAO+IRD). REACH is supported by `RESCEU `_, ABC and `JSPS KAKENHI JP20H00170 `_ (Kawahara). See also `Lozi et al. (2018) `_ for SCExAO, `Kotani et al. (2018) `_ for IRD, `Jovanovic et al. (2017) `_ for post-coronagraphic injection, and `Kawahara et al. (2014) `_ for high dispersion coronagraphy.