History =============== Version History ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Version 1.5 ----------------------- - Intensity-based radiative transfer for pure absorption #411 #412 #419 - Toon-type two-stream radiative transfer (with scattering/reflection), flux-adding (and LART) #428 #477 - Forward modeling of the reflection spectrum, with an example of Jupiter's reflection spectrum. #477 - Transmission improvements (Simpson) and more tests #421 #424 #463 #464 - Rayleigh scattering #115 #430 #434 - Cloud (Mie) scattering using Ackerman and Marley cloud model #477 Version 1.4 ------------------- - transmission spectra #356 - operators on spectra class #363 - multiple molecules handler #388 ExoJAX now recommends using 64-bit as default, but can use 32 bit if you are confident. Version 1.3 ------------------- - more GPU memory saved method in PreMODIT (so called diffmode) #332 - opacity calculator class opa #346 see this tutorial - atmospheric RT class art #346 - optimal Elower max (reducing device memory use) in PreMODIT #331 #332 see this tutorial - optional quantum states #336 #338 see this tutorial - faster IP and spin convolutions #350 - molecular mass mdb.molmass available #328 Version 1.2 ------------------- - Moved on a common I/O of molecular/atomic database with radis.api for ExoMol/HITRAN/HITEMP #272 - Removed old moldb for ExoMol/HITRAN/HITEMP - PreMODIT algorithm, applicable to a wide wavenumber range #265 #287 #288 #307 - Memory saved version of spin rotation and instrumental response #295 Version 1.1 ------------------- - VALD3 - reverse mode available - compatibility with JAXopt #212 Version 1.0 ------------------- - Auto-differentiable Spectrum Model of exoplanets/brown dwarfs built on JAX using the molecular/atomic database, ExoMol, HITRAN/HITEMP and VALD3. - Bayesian inference using HMC-NUTS/NumPyro - Two opacity calculators available: Direct computation of the Voigt line profile (lpf) and the modified discrete integral transform (MODIT). The latter is a fast opacity calculator for the number of lines N >~ 1000. - Transparent open-source code with documentations, including a peer-reviewed paper, API, user guide, and tutorials using real data - HITRAN/CIA and H- as continuous opacity - Cloud modeling based on Ackerman and Marley - Quick computation of the opacity and emission spectra for observers (autospec) Before Version 1 ----------------------