HMC-NUTS Retrieval of a Methane High-Resolution Emission Spectrum ================================================================= In this tutorial, we try to fit the ExoJAX emission model to a mock high-resolution spectrum. This spectrum was computed assuming a powerlaw temperature profile and CH4 opacity + CIA. In this tutorial, we use ``PreMODIT`` as an opacity calculator. .. code:: ipython3 """ Reverse modeling of Methane emission spectrum using MODIT """ # coding: utf-8 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from jax import random import jax.numpy as jnp import pandas as pd import pkg_resources .. code:: ipython3 # if needed #import ssl #ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.spec.atmrt import ArtEmisPure from exojax.spec.api import MdbExomol from exojax.spec.opacalc import OpaPremodit from exojax.spec.contdb import CdbCIA from exojax.spec.opacont import OpaCIA from exojax.spec.response import ipgauss_sampling from exojax.spec.spin_rotation import convolve_rigid_rotation from exojax.spec import molinfo from exojax.spec.unitconvert import nu2wav from exojax.utils.grids import wavenumber_grid from exojax.utils.grids import velocity_grid from exojax.utils.astrofunc import gravity_jupiter from exojax.utils.instfunc import resolution_to_gaussian_std from import SAMPLE_SPECTRA_CH4_NEW .. parsed-literal:: /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/ FutureWarning: dtau_mmwl might be removed in future. warnings.warn("dtau_mmwl might be removed in future.", FutureWarning) .. code:: ipython3 # if you wanna use FP64 #from jax import config #config.update("jax_enable_x64", True) We use numpyro as a probabilistic programming language (PPL). We have other options such as BlackJAX, PyMC etc. .. code:: ipython3 # PPL import arviz from numpyro.diagnostics import hpdi from numpyro.infer import Predictive from numpyro.infer import MCMC, NUTS import numpyro import numpyro.distributions as dist We use a sample data of the methane emission spectrum in ExoJAX, normlized it, and add Gaussian noise. .. code:: ipython3 # loading the data filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'exojax', 'data/testdata/' + SAMPLE_SPECTRA_CH4_NEW) dat = pd.read_csv(filename, delimiter=",", names=("wavenumber", "flux")) nusd = dat['wavenumber'].values flux = dat['flux'].values wavd = nu2wav(nusd, wavelength_order="ascending") .. parsed-literal:: /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/ UserWarning: Both input wavelength and output wavenumber are in ascending order. warnings.warn( .. code:: ipython3 sigmain = 0.05 norm = 20000 np.random.seed(1) nflux = flux / norm + np.random.normal(0, sigmain, len(wavd)) We first set the wavenumber grid enough to cover the observed spectrum. .. code:: ipython3 Nx = 7500 nu_grid, wav, res = wavenumber_grid(np.min(wavd) - 10.0, np.max(wavd) + 10.0, Nx, unit='AA', xsmode='premodit', wavelength_order="ascending") .. parsed-literal:: xsmode = premodit xsmode assumes ESLOG in wavenumber space: mode=premodit ====================================================================== The wavenumber grid should be in ascending order. The users can specify the order of the wavelength grid by themselves. Your wavelength grid is in *** ascending *** order ====================================================================== .. parsed-literal:: /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/ UserWarning: Both input wavelength and output wavenumber are in ascending order. warnings.warn( /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/ UserWarning: Both input wavelength and output wavenumber are in ascending order. warnings.warn( /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/ UserWarning: Resolution may be too small. R=617160.1067701889 warnings.warn('Resolution may be too small. R=' + str(resolution), We would analyze the emission spectrum. So, we use ``ArtEmisPure`` as ``art`` (Atmospheric Radiative Transfer) object. .. code:: ipython3 Tlow = 400.0 Thigh = 1500.0 art = ArtEmisPure(nu_grid=nu_grid, pressure_top=1.e-8, pressure_btm=1.e2, nlayer=100) art.change_temperature_range(Tlow, Thigh) Mp = 33.2 .. parsed-literal:: rtsolver: ibased Intensity-based n-stream solver, isothermal layer (e.g. NEMESIS, pRT like) ``beta_inst`` is a standard deviation of the instrumental profile. .. code:: ipython3 Rinst = 100000. beta_inst = resolution_to_gaussian_std(Rinst) As usual, we make ``mdb`` and ``opa`` for CH4. Because CH4 has a lot of lines, we choose ``PreMODIT`` as an opacity calculator. What is ``database/CH4/12C-1H4/YT10to10/``? You can check this “name” from the ExoMol website. .. code:: ipython3 ### CH4 setting (PREMODIT) mdb = MdbExomol('.database/CH4/12C-1H4/YT10to10/', nurange=nu_grid, gpu_transfer=False) print('N=', len(mdb.nu_lines)) diffmode = 0 opa = OpaPremodit(mdb=mdb, nu_grid=nu_grid, diffmode=diffmode, auto_trange=[Tlow, Thigh], dit_grid_resolution=1.0,allow_32bit=True) .. parsed-literal:: /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/ FutureWarning: e2s will be replaced to exact_molname_exomol_to_simple_molname. warnings.warn( /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/ UserWarning: No isotope number identified. warnings.warn("No isotope number identified.", UserWarning) /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/ UserWarning: No isotope number identified. warnings.warn("No isotope number identified.", UserWarning) /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/ UserWarning: exact molecule name is not Exomol nor HITRAN form. warnings.warn("exact molecule name is not Exomol nor HITRAN form.") /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/ UserWarning: No molmass available warnings.warn("No molmass available", UserWarning) .. parsed-literal:: HITRAN exact name= (12C)(1H)4 HITRAN exact name= (12C)(1H)4 Molecule: CH4 Isotopologue: 12C-1H4 Background atmosphere: H2 ExoMol database: None Local folder: .database/CH4/12C-1H4/YT10to10 Transition files: => File 12C-1H4__YT10to10__06000-06100.trans => File 12C-1H4__YT10to10__06100-06200.trans # i_upper i_lower A nu_lines gup jlower jupper elower eupper Sij0 0 1033220 1024493 0.00024832 5999.9999849999995 50 12 12 6673.851806 12673.851791 6.323472505220992e-39 1 1064746 1291636 0.00039538 5999.999983999999 75 13 12 4933.785965 10933.785949 7.117220393764851e-35 2 1071252 1291978 0.0017425 6000.000033 75 13 12 6546.843546 12546.843579 1.2340167731327585e-37 3 1071787 1292023 0.00018938 6000.000016 75 13 12 6624.447597 12624.447613 9.197315036051529e-39 4 1117488 895034 0.0017477 6000.000004999999 75 11 12 5307.511357 11307.511362 5.114842491594696e-35 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 217,996,053 916862 789269 0.00076054 6199.999923999999 69 10 11 7699.45898 13899.458904 1.711663352498023e-40 217,996,054 917793 789351 0.0010122 6199.9998590000005 69 10 11 7782.015923 13982.015782 1.5250560431095478e-40 217,996,055 919787 789549 0.00051839 6199.999945 69 10 11 7988.72336 14188.723305 2.8596894155983876e-41 217,996,056 97486 134836 3.7486e-05 6199.999949999999 21 4 3 4077.40367 10277.40362 1.136726310326331e-34 217,996,057 996182 847586 0.011161 6199.99995 125 11 12 7423.072664 13623.072614 1.7438490879626268e-38 Broadening code level: a1 .. parsed-literal:: /home/kawahara/exojax/src/radis/radis/api/ AccuracyWarning: The default broadening parameter (alpha = 0.0488 cm^-1 and n = 0.4) are used for J'' > 16 up to J'' = 40 warnings.warn( .. parsed-literal:: N= 80505310 OpaPremodit: params automatically set. default elower grid trange (degt) file version: 2 Robust range: 393.5569458240504 - 1647.2060977798956 K Tref changed: 296.0K->1108.1485374361412K .. parsed-literal:: /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/ UserWarning: JAX is 32bit mode. We recommend to use 64bit mode. You can change to 64bit mode by writing from jax import config config.update("jax_enable_x64", True) warnings.warn(msg+how_change_msg) /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/ UserWarning: dit_grid_resolution is not None. Ignoring broadening_parameter_resolution. warnings.warn( /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log self.logsij0 = np.log(self.line_strength_ref) .. parsed-literal:: OpaPremodit: Tref_broadening is set to 774.5966692414833 K # of reference width grid : 2 # of temperature exponent grid : 2 .. parsed-literal:: uniqidx: 0it [00:00, ?it/s] .. parsed-literal:: Premodit: Twt= 457.65619999186345 K Tref= 1108.1485374361412 K Making LSD:|####################| 100% As a continuum model, we assume CIA (H2 vs H2). Check how to use ``cdb`` and ``opa``. .. code:: ipython3 ## CIA setting cdbH2H2 = CdbCIA('.database/H2-H2_2011.cia', nu_grid) opcia = OpaCIA(cdb=cdbH2H2, nu_grid=nu_grid) mmw = 2.33 # mean molecular weight mmrH2 = 0.74 molmassH2 = molinfo.molmass_isotope('H2') vmrH2 = (mmrH2 * mmw / molmassH2) # VMR .. parsed-literal:: H2-H2 .. code:: ipython3 #settings before HMC vsini_max = 100.0 vr_array = velocity_grid(res, vsini_max) .. code:: ipython3 print("ready") .. parsed-literal:: ready Then, we make a function that computes the model spectrum. Here, we use naive functions of a spin rotation and ``ipgass_sampling``, but you can also use ``sop`` instead. .. code:: ipython3 def frun(Tarr, MMR_CH4, Mp, Rp, u1, u2, RV, vsini): g = gravity_jupiter(Rp=Rp, Mp=Mp) # gravity in the unit of Jupiter #molecule xsmatrix = opa.xsmatrix(Tarr, art.pressure) mmr_arr = art.constant_mmr_profile(MMR_CH4) dtaumCH4 = art.opacity_profile_xs(xsmatrix, mmr_arr, opa.mdb.molmass, g) #continuum logacia_matrix = opcia.logacia_matrix(Tarr) dtaucH2H2 = art.opacity_profile_cia(logacia_matrix, Tarr, vmrH2, vmrH2, mmw, g) #total tau dtau = dtaumCH4 + dtaucH2H2 F0 =, Tarr) / norm Frot = convolve_rigid_rotation(F0, vr_array, vsini, u1, u2) mu = ipgauss_sampling(nusd, nu_grid, Frot, beta_inst, RV, vr_array) return mu .. code:: ipython3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #g = gravity_jupiter(0.88, 33.2) Rp = 0.88 Mp = 33.2 alpha = 0.1 MMR_CH4 = 0.0059 vsini = 20.0 RV = 10.0 T0 = 1200.0 u1 = 0.0 u2 = 0.0 Tarr = art.powerlaw_temperature(T0, alpha) Ftest = frun(Tarr, MMR_CH4, Mp, Rp, u1, u2, RV, vsini) .. code:: ipython3 Tarr = art.powerlaw_temperature(1500.0, alpha) Ftest2 = frun(Tarr, MMR_CH4, Mp, Rp, u1, u2, RV, vsini) .. code:: ipython3 plt.plot(nusd, nflux) plt.plot(nusd, Ftest, ls="dashed") plt.plot(nusd, Ftest2, ls="dotted") plt.yscale("log") .. image:: reverse_premodit_files/reverse_premodit_27_0.png The following is the numpyro model, i.e. prior and sample. .. code:: ipython3 def model_c(y1): Rp = numpyro.sample('Rp', dist.Uniform(0.4, 1.2)) RV = numpyro.sample('RV', dist.Uniform(5.0, 15.0)) MMR_CH4 = numpyro.sample('MMR_CH4', dist.Uniform(0.0, 0.015)) T0 = numpyro.sample('T0', dist.Uniform(1000.0, 1500.0)) alpha = numpyro.sample('alpha', dist.Uniform(0.05, 0.2)) vsini = numpyro.sample('vsini', dist.Uniform(15.0, 25.0)) u1 = 0.0 u2 = 0.0 Tarr = art.powerlaw_temperature(T0, alpha) mu = frun(Tarr, MMR_CH4, Mp, Rp, u1, u2, RV, vsini) numpyro.sample('y1', dist.Normal(mu, sigmain), obs=y1) .. code:: ipython3 rng_key = random.PRNGKey(0) rng_key, rng_key_ = random.split(rng_key) num_warmup, num_samples = 500, 1000 #kernel = NUTS(model_c, forward_mode_differentiation=True) kernel = NUTS(model_c, forward_mode_differentiation=False) Let’s run the HMC-NUTS. In my environment, it took ~2 hours using A4500. We observed here the number of divergences of 2. .. code:: ipython3 mcmc = MCMC(kernel, num_warmup=num_warmup, num_samples=num_samples), y1=nflux) mcmc.print_summary() .. parsed-literal:: sample: 100%|██████████| 1500/1500 [2:25:22<00:00, 5.81s/it, 1023 steps of size 4.53e-03. acc. prob=0.94] .. parsed-literal:: mean std median 5.0% 95.0% n_eff r_hat MMR_CH4 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 459.21 1.00 RV 9.32 0.40 9.33 8.69 9.99 547.61 1.00 Rp 0.67 0.19 0.62 0.40 0.98 448.36 1.00 T0 1204.92 17.17 1204.94 1174.23 1229.56 635.51 1.00 alpha 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.10 0.11 497.56 1.00 vsini 19.50 0.67 19.47 18.47 20.67 648.31 1.00 Number of divergences: 2 .. code:: ipython3 # SAMPLING posterior_sample = mcmc.get_samples() pred = Predictive(model_c, posterior_sample, return_sites=['y1']) predictions = pred(rng_key_, y1=None) median_mu1 = jnp.median(predictions['y1'], axis=0) hpdi_mu1 = hpdi(predictions['y1'], 0.9) .. code:: ipython3 # PLOT fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(20, 6.0)) ax.plot(wavd[::-1], median_mu1, color='C0') ax.plot(wavd[::-1], nflux, '+', color='black', label='data') ax.fill_between(wavd[::-1], hpdi_mu1[0], hpdi_mu1[1], alpha=0.3, interpolate=True, color='C0', label='90% area') plt.xlabel('wavelength ($\AA$)', fontsize=16) plt.legend(fontsize=16) plt.tick_params(labelsize=16) plt.savefig("pred_diffmode" + str(diffmode) + ".png") plt.close() Draw a corner plot .. code:: ipython3 pararr = ['Rp', 'T0', 'alpha', 'MMR_CH4', 'vsini', 'RV'] arviz.plot_pair(arviz.from_numpyro(mcmc), kind='kde', divergences=False, marginals=True) plt.savefig("corner_diffmode" + str(diffmode) + ".png") .. image:: reverse_premodit_files/reverse_premodit_36_0.png