Terminal velocity of Cloud particles ==================================== Here, we compute a terminal velocity as a function of the condensate (cloud) radius. .. code:: ipython3 import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt .. code:: ipython3 import exojax.atm.viscosity as vc import jax.numpy as jnp g=980.0 #gravity cm/s2 drho=1.0 #condensate density g/cm3 rho=1.29*1.e-3 #atmosphere density g/cm3 vfactor,Tr=vc.calc_vfactor(atm="Air") #we use Air eta=vc.eta_Rosner(300.0,vfactor) #dynamic viscosity at 300K r=jnp.logspace(-5,0,70) # radius array (cm) The terminal velocity of the cloud particle can be computed using atm.vterm.vf .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.atm.vterm import vf vterminal=vf(r,g,eta,drho,rho) .. code:: ipython3 plt.plot(r*1e4,vterminal) plt.xscale("log") plt.yscale("log") plt.xlabel("r (micron)") plt.ylabel("terminal velocity (cm/s)") plt.savefig("vterm.pdf", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.0) plt.savefig("vterm.png", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.0) plt.show() .. image:: Terminal_Velocity_of_Cloud_Particles_files/Terminal_Velocity_of_Cloud_Particles_6_0.png In the above figure, you see three regimes of the r dependence on the terminal velocity. For small r, the terminal velocity obeys the Stokes flow. In the mid - large r (i.e. medium and large Reynolds number Nre), exojax uses a phenomenological modeling as explained below. We start from importing the the drag coefficients as Nre from Table 10.1 p381 in Pruppacher and Klett .. code:: ipython3 data = pd.read_csv("~/exojax/data/clouds/drag_force.txt",comment="#",delimiter=",") Let’s fit logarithms of Davies number :math:`N_D = C_d N_{re}^2` and Reynolds number :math:`N_{re}` by a polynomial equation. .. code:: ipython3 Nre=data["Nre"].values logNre=np.log(Nre) #Reynolds number Cd=(data["Cd_rigid"].values) logNd=np.log(Nre**2*Cd) Cdinf=0.45 Nreinf=np.logspace(3,5,30) logNreinf=np.log(Nreinf) logNdinf=np.log(Nreinf**2*Cdinf) .. code:: ipython3 coeff=np.polyfit(logNd,logNre,2) coeff .. parsed-literal:: array([-0.00883374, 0.84514511, -2.49105354]) These are the coefficient we use in exojax in the mid Nre regime. i.e. :math:`\log{N_{re}} = 0.0088 \log^2{N_{D}} + 0.85 \log{N_{D}} + 2.49` Davies number can be computed using the following function. .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.atm.vterm import Ndavies g=980.0 #gravity cm/s2 drho=1.0 #condensate density g/cm3 rho=1.29*1.e-3 #atmosphere density g/cm3 vfactor,Tr=vc.calc_vfactor(atm="Air") #we use Air eta=vc.eta_Rosner(300.0,vfactor) #dynamic viscosity at 300K r=0.01 #cm print("Davies number=",Ndavies(r,g,eta,drho,rho)) .. parsed-literal:: Davies number= 400.34301797889896 We would obtain a boundary between the mid Nre regime and the Stokes flow. .. code:: ipython3 #boundary between the Stokes flow and the mid Nre regime #-0.00883374*xarr**2+(0.84514511-1)*xarr-2.49105354 +log(24) = 0 a=-0.0088 #coeff[0] b=0.85-1 #coeff[1]-1 c=-2.49+np.log(24.) #coeff[2]+np.log(24.) logNdc=(-b-np.sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a) Ndc=np.exp(logNdc) #boundary for Davies number Nrec=np.exp(logNdc-np.log(24.)) #boundary for Reynolds number .. code:: ipython3 logNdc, Ndc, Nrec .. parsed-literal:: (3.7583482270854875, 42.87754348901474, 1.7865643120422807) Also, for large Nre, we assume Cd=0.45 following Akerman and Marley 2001. .. code:: ipython3 #boundary between the mid and large Nre regime #-0.00883374*xarr**2+(0.84514511-0.5)*xarr-2.49105354 +0.5*log(0.45) = 0 a=-0.0088 #coeff[0] b=0.85-0.5 #coeff[1]-0.5 c=-2.49+0.5*np.log(0.45) #coeff[2]+0.5*np.log(0.45) logNde=(-b+np.sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a) Nde=np.exp(logNde) Nree=np.exp(0.5*logNde-0.5*np.log(0.45)) .. code:: ipython3 logNde, Nde, Nree .. parsed-literal:: (11.692270778931425, 119643.38181447262, 515.629888398587) The following figure shows Davies number - Reynolds number relation we assume in exojax. .. code:: ipython3 plt.figure(figsize=(7,4)) plt.plot(logNd,logNre,".",label="Table 10.1 in Pruppacher and Klett") xarr=np.linspace(1,logNdc,100) plt.plot(xarr,xarr - np.log(24.),alpha=0.5,label="Stokes flow: $f(x)=x-\log{24}$") xarr=np.linspace(logNdc,logNde,100) plt.plot(xarr,-0.0088*xarr**2+0.85*xarr-2.49,alpha=0.5,label="$f(x)=-0.0088 x^2+0.85 x-2.49$") plt.plot(xarr,-2.7905+0.9209*xarr-0.0135*xarr**2,label="petitRadtrans",ls="dotted",alpha=0.5) plt.plot(xarr,0.8*xarr-0.01*xarr**2,label="$y=0.8x-0.01x^2$ (AM01)",alpha=0.5) xarr=np.linspace(logNde,15,100) plt.plot(xarr,0.5*(xarr-np.log(0.45)) ,alpha=0.5,label="$f(x)=0.5(x+\\log{0.45})$ ") plt.xlabel("$\\log{N_d}$",fontsize=13) plt.ylabel("$\\log{N_{re}}$",fontsize=13) plt.legend(loc="lower right") plt.savefig("davies_reynolds.png") .. image:: Terminal_Velocity_of_Cloud_Particles_files/Terminal_Velocity_of_Cloud_Particles_22_0.png Notice that there is a typo (?) in Akerman and Marley (2001), tagged by “AM01”. Using this relation, we can compute the Reynolds number, then we can also compute the terminal velocity using :math:`v_f(r) = \frac{2}{9 \eta} g r^2 (\rho_c - \rho) \left( \frac{C_d N_{re}}{24} \right)^{-1}`. That’s how exojax compute the terminal velocity in exojax.atm.vterm