Ackerman and Marley Cloud Model =============================== Here, we try to compute a cloud opacity using Ackerman and Marley Model. Although ``atmphys.AmpAmcloud`` can easily compute the parameters of the AM model, we here try to run the methods one by one. We consider enstatite (MgSiO3) and Fe clouds. .. code:: ipython3 import jax.numpy as jnp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np Sets a simple atmopheric model. We need the density of atmosphere. .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.utils.constants import kB, m_u from exojax.atm.atmprof import pressure_layer_logspace from exojax.utils.astrofunc import gravity_jupiter Parr, dParr, k = pressure_layer_logspace(log_pressure_top=-4., log_pressure_btm=6.0, nlayer=100) alpha = 0.097 T0 = 1200. Tarr = T0 * (Parr)**alpha mu = 2.3 # mean molecular weight R = kB / (mu * m_u) rho = Parr / (R * Tarr) gravity = gravity_jupiter(1.0, 1.0) The solar abundance can be obtained using utils.zsol.nsol. Here, we assume a maximum mol Mixing Ratio for MgSiO3 and Fe from solar abundance. .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.utils.zsol import nsol n = nsol() #solar abundance MolMR_enstatite = np.min([n["Mg"], n["Si"], n["O"] / 3]) MolMR_Fe = n["Fe"] Vapor saturation pressures can be obtained using atm.psat .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.atm.psat import psat_enstatite_AM01, psat_Fe_AM01, _psat_Fe_solid P_enstatite = psat_enstatite_AM01(Tarr) P_fe_sol = psat_Fe_AM01(Tarr) #P_fe_sol = _psat_Fe_solid(Tarr) #considers only solid Fe Computes a cloud base pressure. .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.atm.amclouds import compute_cloud_base_pressure Pbase_enstatite = compute_cloud_base_pressure(Parr, P_enstatite, MolMR_enstatite) Pbase_Fe_sol = compute_cloud_base_pressure(Parr, P_fe_sol, MolMR_Fe) The cloud base is located at the intersection of a TP profile and the vapor saturation puressure devided by VMR. .. code:: ipython3 plt.plot(Tarr, Parr, color="black", ls="dashed", label="T - P profile") plt.plot(Tarr, P_enstatite / MolMR_enstatite, label="$P_{sat}/\\xi$ (enstatite)", color="gray") plt.axhline(Pbase_enstatite, color="gray", alpha=0.7, ls="dotted") plt.text(500, Pbase_enstatite * 0.8, "cloud base (enstatite)", color="gray") plt.plot(Tarr, P_fe_sol / MolMR_Fe, label="$P_{sat}/\\xi$ (Fe)", color="black") plt.axhline(Pbase_Fe_sol, color="black", alpha=0.7, ls="dotted") plt.text(500, Pbase_Fe_sol * 0.8, "cloud base (Fe)", color="black") plt.yscale("log") plt.ylim(1.e-4, 1.e5) plt.xlim(0, 3000) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.legend() plt.xlabel("Temperature (K)") plt.ylabel("Pressure (bar)") plt.savefig("pbase.pdf", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.0) plt.savefig("pbase.png", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.0) .. image:: Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_files/Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_12_0.png Compute Mass Mixing Ratio (MMRs) of clouds. In this block, we first convert mol mixing ratio of condensates to MMR, then computes a cloud profile. .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.atm.amclouds import mixing_ratio_cloud_profile from exojax.spec.molinfo import molmass_isotope from exojax.atm.mixratio import vmr2mmr fsed = 3. muc_enstatite = molmass_isotope("MgSiO3") MMRbase_enstatite = vmr2mmr(MolMR_enstatite, muc_enstatite,mu) MMRc_enstatite = mixing_ratio_cloud_profile(Parr, Pbase_enstatite, fsed, MMRbase_enstatite) muc_Fe = molmass_isotope("Fe") MMRbase_Fe = vmr2mmr(MolMR_Fe,muc_Fe,mu) MMRc_Fe = mixing_ratio_cloud_profile(Parr, Pbase_Fe_sol, fsed, MMRbase_Fe) .. parsed-literal:: ['H2O', 'CO2', 'O3', 'N2O', 'CO', 'CH4', 'O2', 'NO', 'SO2', 'NO2', 'NH3', 'HNO3', 'OH', 'HF', 'HCl', 'HBr', 'HI', 'ClO', 'OCS', 'H2CO', 'HOCl', 'N2', 'HCN', 'CH3Cl', 'H2O2', 'C2H2', 'C2H6', 'PH3', 'COF2', 'SF6', 'H2S', 'HCOOH', 'HO2', 'O', 'ClONO2', 'NO+', 'HOBr', 'C2H4', 'CH3OH', 'CH3Br', 'CH3CN', 'CF4', 'C4H2', 'HC3N', 'H2', 'CS', 'SO3', 'C2N2', 'COCl2', 'SO', 'CH3F', 'GeH4', 'CS2', 'CH3I', 'NF3'] ['H2O', 'CO2', 'O3', 'N2O', 'CO', 'CH4', 'O2', 'NO', 'SO2', 'NO2', 'NH3', 'HNO3', 'OH', 'HF', 'HCl', 'HBr', 'HI', 'ClO', 'OCS', 'H2CO', 'HOCl', 'N2', 'HCN', 'CH3Cl', 'H2O2', 'C2H2', 'C2H6', 'PH3', 'COF2', 'SF6', 'H2S', 'HCOOH', 'HO2', 'O', 'ClONO2', 'NO+', 'HOBr', 'C2H4', 'CH3OH', 'CH3Br', 'CH3CN', 'CF4', 'C4H2', 'HC3N', 'H2', 'CS', 'SO3', 'C2N2', 'COCl2', 'SO', 'CH3F', 'GeH4', 'CS2', 'CH3I', 'NF3'] .. parsed-literal:: /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/ UserWarning: db_HIT is set as True, but the molecular name 'MgSiO3' does not exist in the HITRAN database. So set db_HIT as False. For reference, all the available molecules in the HITRAN database are as follows: warnings.warn(warn_msg, UserWarning) /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/ UserWarning: db_HIT is set as True, but the molecular name 'Fe' does not exist in the HITRAN database. So set db_HIT as False. For reference, all the available molecules in the HITRAN database are as follows: warnings.warn(warn_msg, UserWarning) The followings are the base pressures for enstatite and Fe. .. code:: ipython3 print(Pbase_enstatite, Pbase_Fe_sol) .. parsed-literal:: 114.975746 77426.445 Here is the MMR distribution. .. code:: ipython3 plt.figure() plt.gca().get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_powerlimits([-3, 3]) plt.plot(MMRc_enstatite, Parr, color="gray", label="MMR (enstatite)") plt.plot(MMRc_Fe, Parr, color="black", ls="dashed", label="MMR (Fe)") plt.yscale("log") #plt.ylim(1.e-7, 10000) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.legend() plt.xlabel("Mass Mixing Ratio (clouds)") plt.ylabel("Pressure (bar)") plt.savefig("mmrcloud.pdf", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.0) plt.savefig("mmrcloud.png", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.0) .. image:: Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_files/Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_18_0.png Computes dynamic viscosity in H2 atmosphere (cm/g/s) .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.atm.viscosity import eta_Rosner, calc_vfactor T = np.logspace(np.log10(1000), np.log10(2000)) vfactor, Tr = calc_vfactor("H2") eta = eta_Rosner(T, vfactor) .. code:: ipython3 plt.plot(T, eta) plt.xscale("log") plt.yscale("log") plt.xlabel("Temperature (K)") plt.ylabel("Dynamic viscosity (cm/g/s)") .. image:: Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_files/Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_21_0.png The pressure scale height can be computed using atm.atmprof.Hatm. .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.atm.atmprof import pressure_scale_height T = 1000 #K print("scale height=", pressure_scale_height(1.e5, T, mu), "cm") .. parsed-literal:: scale height= 361498.2549385839 cm We need the substance density of condensates. .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.atm.condensate import condensate_substance_density, name2formula deltac_enstatite = condensate_substance_density[name2formula["enstatite"]] deltac_Fe = condensate_substance_density["Fe"] Let’s compute the terminal velocity. We can compute the terminal velocity of cloud particle using atm.vterm.vf. vmap is again applied to vf. .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.atm.viscosity import calc_vfactor, eta_Rosner from exojax.atm.vterm import terminal_velocity from jax import vmap vfactor, trange = calc_vfactor(atm="H2") rarr = jnp.logspace(-6, -4, 2000) #cm drho = deltac_enstatite - rho eta_fid = eta_Rosner(Tarr, vfactor) g = 1.e5 vf_vmap = vmap(terminal_velocity, (None, None, 0, 0, 0)) vfs = vf_vmap(rarr, g, eta_fid, drho, rho) Kzz/L will be used to calibrate :math:`r_w`. following Ackerman and Marley 2001 .. code:: ipython3 #sigmag:sigmag parameter (geometric standard deviation) in the lognormal distribution of condensate size, defined by (9) in AM01, must be sigmag > 1 Kzz = 1.e5 #cm2/s sigmag = 2.0 # > 1 alphav = 1.3 L = pressure_scale_height(g, 1500, mu) .. code:: ipython3 Kzz/L .. parsed-literal:: 0.18441767216274083 .. code:: ipython3 for i in range(0, len(Tarr)): plt.plot(rarr, vfs[i, :], alpha=0.2, color="gray") plt.xscale("log") plt.yscale("log") plt.axhline(Kzz / L, label="Kzz/H", color="C2", ls="dotted") plt.ylabel("stokes terminal velocity (cm/s)") plt.xlabel("condensate size (cm)") .. parsed-literal:: Text(0.5, 0, 'condensate size (cm)') .. image:: Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_files/Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_31_1.png Find the intersection. .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.atm.amclouds import find_rw vfind_rw = vmap(find_rw, (None, 0, None), 0) rw = vfind_rw(rarr, vfs, Kzz / L) Then, :math:`r_g` can be computed from :math:`r_w` and other quantities. .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.atm.amclouds import get_rg rg = get_rg(rw, fsed, alphav, sigmag) .. code:: ipython3 plt.plot(rg * 1.e4, Parr, label="$r=r_g$", color="black") plt.plot(rw * 1.e4, Parr, ls="dashed", label="$r=r_w$", color="black") #plt.ylim(1.e-7, 10000) plt.xlabel("$r$ (micron)") plt.ylabel("Pressure (bar)") plt.yscale("log") plt.savefig("rgrw.png") plt.legend() .. parsed-literal:: .. image:: Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_files/Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_36_1.png These processes can be reprodced using ``AmpAmcloud``, which uses ``PdbCloud`` as one of the input arguments. Here, we show an example: .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.atm.atmphys import AmpAmcloud from exojax.spec.pardb import PdbCloud pdb_enstatite = PdbCloud("MgSiO3") pdb_Fe = PdbCloud("Fe") amp = AmpAmcloud(pdb_enstatite,bkgatm="H2") rg, MMRc = amp.calc_ammodel(Parr,Tarr,mu,MMRc_enstatite,gravity,fsed,sigmag,Kzz,MMRbase_enstatite,alphav=alphav) .. parsed-literal:: .database/particulates/virga/ exists. Remove it if you wanna re-download and unzip. Refractive index file found: .database/particulates/virga/MgSiO3.refrind Miegrid file does not exist at .database/particulates/virga/ Generate miegrid file using pdb.generate_miegrid if you use Mie scattering .database/particulates/virga/ exists. Remove it if you wanna re-download and unzip. Refractive index file found: .database/particulates/virga/Fe.refrind Miegrid file does not exist at .database/particulates/virga/ Generate miegrid file using pdb.generate_miegrid if you use Mie scattering | We found here the particle size is basically sub-micron. | Here, we try to use the geometric cross section instead though this is sometimes wrong, depending on the wavelength. .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.spec.layeropacity import layer_optical_depth_cloudgeo dtau_enstatite = layer_optical_depth_cloudgeo(Parr, deltac_enstatite, MMRc_enstatite, rg, sigmag, g) dtau_Fe = layer_optical_depth_cloudgeo(Parr, deltac_Fe, MMRc_Fe, rg, sigmag, g) .. parsed-literal:: /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/spec/ FutureWarning: dtau_mmwl might be removed in future. warnings.warn("dtau_mmwl might be removed in future.", FutureWarning) The Mie scattering can be computed using ``OpaMie``. .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.utils.grids import wavenumber_grid from exojax.spec.unitconvert import wav2nu N = 1000 wavelength_start = 5000.0 #AA wavelength_end = 15000.0 #AA margin = 10 # cm-1 nus_start = wav2nu(wavelength_end, unit="AA") - margin nus_end = wav2nu(wavelength_start, unit="AA") + margin nugrid, wav, res = wavenumber_grid(nus_start, nus_end, N, xsmode="lpf", unit="cm-1") from exojax.spec.opacont import OpaMie opa_enstatite = OpaMie(pdb_enstatite, nugrid) opa_Fe = OpaMie(pdb_Fe, nugrid) rg=1.e-4 #0.1um #beta0, betasct, g = opa.mieparams_vector(rg,sigmag) # if you've already generated miegrid beta0, betasct, g = opa_enstatite.mieparams_vector_direct_from_pymiescatt(rg,sigmag) # uses direct computation of Mie params using PyMieScatt beta0_Fe, betasct_Fe, g_Fe = opa_Fe.mieparams_vector_direct_from_pymiescatt(rg,sigmag) # uses direct computation of Mie params using PyMieScatt from exojax.spec.layeropacity import layer_optical_depth_clouds_lognormal dtau_enstatite_mie = layer_optical_depth_clouds_lognormal( dParr, beta0, deltac_enstatite, MMRc_enstatite, rg, sigmag, gravity ) dtau_Fe_mie = layer_optical_depth_clouds_lognormal( dParr, beta0_Fe, deltac_Fe, MMRc_Fe, rg, sigmag, gravity ) .. parsed-literal:: /home/kawahara/exojax/src/exojax/utils/ UserWarning: Resolution may be too small. R=907.6757560767178 warnings.warn('Resolution may be too small. R=' + str(resolution), .. parsed-literal:: xsmode = lpf xsmode assumes ESLOG in wavenumber space: mode=lpf ====================================================================== The wavenumber grid should be in ascending order. The users can specify the order of the wavelength grid by themselves. Your wavelength grid is in *** descending *** order ====================================================================== .. parsed-literal:: 100%|██████████| 63/63 [00:17<00:00, 3.55it/s] 100%|██████████| 63/63 [00:20<00:00, 3.09it/s] The difference of the geometric approximation and Mie scattering is a bit. .. code:: ipython3 fig = plt.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(121) plt.plot(dtau_enstatite, Parr, color="C1", ls="dashed", label="geometric approximation") plt.plot(np.median(dtau_enstatite_mie,axis=1), Parr, color="C3", label="Mie",alpha=0.5,lw=2) plt.legend() plt.yscale("log") plt.xlabel("$d\\tau$") plt.ylabel("Pressure (bar)") #plt.xscale("log") plt.gca().invert_yaxis() ax=fig.add_subplot(122) plt.plot(dtau_Fe, Parr, color="C2", ls="dashed", label="geometric approximation") plt.plot(np.median(dtau_Fe_mie,axis=1), Parr, color="C4",alpha=0.5, label="Mie",lw=2) plt.legend() plt.yscale("log") plt.xlabel("$d\\tau$") #plt.xscale("log") plt.gca().invert_yaxis() .. image:: Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_files/Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_44_0.png Let’s compare with CIA .. code:: ipython3 #CIA from exojax.spec import contdb cdbH2H2 = contdb.CdbCIA('.database/H2-H2_2011.cia', nugrid) .. parsed-literal:: H2-H2 .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.spec.layeropacity import layer_optical_depth_CIA from exojax.atm.mixratio import mmr2vmr mmrH2 = 0.74 molmassH2 = molmass_isotope("H2") vmrH2 = mmr2vmr(mmrH2, mu, molmassH2) dtaucH2H2 = layer_optical_depth_CIA( nugrid, Tarr, Parr, dParr, vmrH2, vmrH2, mu, gravity, cdbH2H2.nucia, cdbH2H2.tcia, cdbH2H2.logac, ) .. code:: ipython3 dtau = dtaucH2H2 + dtau_enstatite_mie+ dtau_Fe_mie .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.plot.atmplot import plotcf plotcf(nugrid, dtau, Tarr, Parr, dParr, unit="AA") .. image:: Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_files/Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_49_0.png .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.plot.atmplot import plotcf plotcf(nugrid, dtaucH2H2, Tarr, Parr, dParr, unit="AA") .. image:: Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_files/Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_50_0.png .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.plot.atmplot import plotcf plotcf(nugrid, dtau_enstatite_mie, Tarr, Parr, dParr, unit="AA") .. image:: Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_files/Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_51_0.png .. code:: ipython3 from exojax.spec import planck from exojax.spec.rtransfer import rtrun_emis_pureabs_fbased2st as rtrun #from exojax.spec.rtransfer import rtrun_emis_pureabs_ibased as rtrun sourcef = planck.piBarr(Tarr, nugrid) F0 = rtrun(dtau, sourcef) F0CIA = rtrun(dtaucH2H2, sourcef) F0cl = rtrun(dtau_enstatite[:, None] + np.zeros_like(dtaucH2H2), sourcef) In this case, the effect of clouds and CIA are comparable with each other .. code:: ipython3 plt.plot(wav, F0, label="Clouds+CIA") plt.plot(wav, F0CIA, label="CIA only", ls="dashed") plt.plot(wav, F0cl, label="Clouds only", ls="dotted") plt.xlabel("wavelenght AA") plt.legend() .. image:: Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_files/Ackerman_and_Marley_cloud_model_54_0.png