.. image:: _static/slide5.png :height: 400px :align: center =================== REACH =================== In 2014, we proposed a new instrumental concept for the high-resolution spectroscopic detection of planet's molecules, which included the connection of the high-contrast instrument (AO+coronagraph) and the high-resolution spectrograph to efficiently detect atmospheric molecules in directly-imaged exoplanets. We are now developing `REACH project `_ , which connects SCExAO (AO+coronagraph) with IRD (IR spectrograph) on a Subaru telescope in international collaboration with the SCExAO team. Grant --------------------- KAKEN A `20H00170 `_. References --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Spectroscopic Coronagraphy for Planetary Radial Velocimetry of Exoplanets** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Hajime Kawahara**, Naoshi Murakami, Taro Matsuo, Takayuki Kotani, accepted for publication in ApJS, **ApJS, 212, 27 (2014)**, `arXiv:1404.5712 `_, `IOP `_